Saturday, 25 May 2013

Roa-Scrum Character Design

 A character design I drew as part of a University visualization and narrative module. I was going for an Ashley Wood chunky style with this one and I think It works really well. I would like to experiment with this style further.

Aquatramp Album Cover Final

My final design for Aquatramp's Album cover. 

Aquatramp Album Cover WIP

This Is my original design for the Aquatramp Album cover. I later decided to change the eyes and the hat after a suggestion from a fellow art student. 

Self Portrait

This is what I would look like if I was an animal, I had some fun with this one!

Frankenstein's Monster

A quick concept sketch of Frankenstein's noble beast.
Here is the UDK scene. All the assets where modeled using Maya then assembled and rendered using Unreal's UDK.

A very quick concept I painted for a university Unreal Developement Kit module. I was going for a moody Noir feel with a futuristic steam punk vibe. 

I drew this to practice my landscape work. I've started using a more loose sketchy style as I think It looks much more intense and atmospheric. It was inspired by The Legend of Zelda and Darksiders, but it turned out very Tolkieny.
A concept piece for a short comic I made about a man's journey through loneliness. 2013.
Another Concept from the same Module using similar techniques. I was going for a Lovecraft horror style with this one. 

3 Point Perspective

A street concept I painted as part of a university concept module. I experimented with colour theory and the rule of thirds. Looking back I think this one could have befitted from a bit more detail. 2012

1 Point Perspective

This Digital Painting was drawn as an exercise to develop my skills in drawing 1 perspective scenes. It also allowed my to experiment with reflections and water. 2012.

Inflamed Mistress

This is a Digital Portrait that I drew using Photoshop. I drew it as part of an exercise to develop my ability in drawing, fire, hair and flesh. This was inspired by a piece based on Frank Frazetta's work that I never finished because of technical limitations. 2012.

The Streetsweeper

A digital concept painting of the Streetsweeper! A character I have been designing for a personal animation project. I remember drawing this at a time when I was obsessed with hyper-rendered digital illustrations so I some time blending the tones on this one. I hope to return to this character with a better focus on design.  2011.

The Bullfather

An pen and Ink Illustration that I later rendered 
on Photoshop. 2011. 

Ronnie James Dio Portrait

Another Digital Painting from 2011. I drew this in commemoration of the Heavy Metal Pioneer Dio.

The Four Horsemen

A Digital Painting of the Four Horsemen. I did this back in 2011 on the day the world was supposed to end.